The Ingredients to being a Queen


Welcome to the process of the second art piece from The Unconquerable Empress Collection.  Let me share with you some of the thoughts, inspiration and ideas behind it.

What are the Ingredients of being a queen?

I love what MJB said, (she inspires me in so many ways...)

You have to be brave to lead, even in your most confused moments.  

You have to fight and stand up for something.  Whatever's in your heart.  If you are that genuine.  Don't be afraid to be challenged with what people's opinions are. It's just that. -MJB-


This made me consider about the power of focus and holding onto your vision.

You must be willing to stand knee-deep in the rapids of the human condition, accepting that life, by its very nature is turbulent, powerful and mysterious.

Practice in believing in your vision no matter what.  It is so easy to do when everything you have imagined starts going the way you wanted it to go. I started this art piece in 2020 and one can imagine the distraction of a global pandemic breaking through.

Can you still hold onto your vision? Even when the current reality is hard?

If we really knew how powerful we are, an obstacle would mean nothing.  

What if obstacles are there to grow you?

This queen stands in the middle of a storm. Strength, power, softness and femininity thrive and bloom.

My hope is that this piece will give you a little bit of inspiration to live your vision of your future and have the strength and courage to live your truth.




In the Studio _Maggie José_Oil painting


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